The Devastating Effects Of The Stockmarket And How You Can Avoid It
In the past fifteen years or so stock market based investments have gone through a real roller coaster. As the baby boomers started saving up for their retirement years, people were promised fast profits, then slow and steady profits and finally apologies when predictions didn't come true. The most reliable investment companies and advisors were helpless when the many stock market crashes came. Investors lost millions.
People were led to believe that it was impossible for anyone to lose money if they stayed in the market long enough. They were told about dollar cost averaging, resetting and balancing portfolios and even leveraging. At the end of the day, ten-fifteen years later, many investors would have been better off in a simple GIC type of account.
Today many people have been badly hurt because of stock market investments. They are unwilling to take any more chances with their hard-earned money. They can't afford to lose any more money and time...
The baby boomers are getting older. They don't have much time left to set aside funds for their non-earning years in retirement. Many people will be left in poverty despite their best efforts. Despite well-intentioned advisors and investment management companies, millions of people will not be able to afford a decent level of living during their "golden years".
This is the problem that Life Legacy's Inc. (LLI) set out to solve. There is now a safe, solid investment that does not depend on someone predicting the future.
The life settlement industry in the United States has been maturing for the past 13 years. Unfortunately, the way most companies work, you would need millions to be able to take advange of these investments. LLI has set up a simple structure that lets investors participate with as little as $10,000.
We will discuss more details about viaticals and how they compare with other investments in small chunks through this email series. For all the details please refer to the complete LLI package available at . If you are getting this email directly from LLI, you would have received the complete package as an attachment in the introductory email.
Please feel free to pass on this email to the people who you consult with when making investment decisions. If you would like someone to personally come and explain how it works please call 1-877-269-0950.
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