Is There Such A Thing As A Safe Investment Anymore?
The temptation of getting high returns "without a lot of risk" has been irresistable for people looking to save for their retirement. Investors poured billions of dollars into the stockmarket on the basis of optimistic predictions. Unfortunately, several major and minor crashes have destroyed the savings, hopes and dreams of millions of people.
Investors have been searching desperately for a safe, solid investment that provides a reasonable rate of return. Following are some of the your options, if you want to keep your money safe and still make some money:
- bonds
- gic's
- income trusts
- dividends
- equity mutual funds
- bond funds
- dividend funds
- balanced funds
- segregated funds
- life legacy portfolios
How many of these investments are you investing in?
You might be surprised to see equity mutual funds in this list. Equity stocks are supposed to be "risky".
In reality, all investments have some element of risk. The trick is to put together a "portfolio" that allows you to make money every year.
If you try to predict the market you will be wrong nine times out of ten...just look at the record of the so called "experts". The bulls and bears will take their toll.
You need a strategy where you combine different types of investments so you come out on top consistently. You need to earn a net profit every year.
Some investments are known to provide a high return. Some are known to perform well in a bad economy. If you set up your portfolio to take advantage of the characteristics of each type of investment you can win every year regardless of challenges in the economy, stock market or politics.
Whereas all of the above investment options provide some level of safety of capital, viaticals offer an iron-clad guaranteed return on investment. You can count on getting 33%, 46% or 54% return on your investment...guaranteed!
Many investments will give you a "fantastic" return and really get your greed juices flowing. But you have to keep in mind: the higher your return, the higher your risk.
Your portfolio should contain a mix of investments where a good portion of them give you a consistent return even in a bad economy.
A volatile market may be full of exciting opportunities, but a solid investment program based on life settlements, as offered by Living Legacy's Inc., provides a cornerstone in any portfolio.
If you want someone to help you put together a strategy for your portfolio please call 1-877-269-0950.
You can download the complete package regarding the Living Legacy's Inc. investment program at:
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